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Q: Why were scienists so surprised to find coal in the arctic?
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Why were scientists surprised to find coal In the arctic?

for the same reason you might be surprised to find a fly in an ice cube. Coal is made from compressed plant matter and how exactly did plants grow on the surface of an ocean. (as there is no land mass beneath the arctic)

Why were scientists so surprised to find coal in the aritic?

Scientists were surprised to find coal in the Arctic because coal forms from the remains of ancient plants in warm, tropical environments. The presence of coal in the Arctic suggests that the region once had a vastly different climate millions of years ago.

Why were scientists suprissed to find coal in the Arctic?

Scientists were surprised to find coal in the Arctic because coal typically forms in tropical or temperate regions where plant material can accumulate and be buried without decomposing. The presence of coal in the Arctic suggests that the region was once much warmer and had a different plant and climate distribution than what is seen today.

Who was Bilbo surprised to find keeping company with them?

Bilbo was surprised to find that Gandalf was with the River-Folk.

Where can you find an Arctic fox?

you can find a arctic fox in alaska

Can you find coal in the Rocky Mountains?

You find coal in the rocky mountain because rock is coal

Where can you find coal in Canada?

you can find coal in Alberta in Canada

Where did Marco polo find coal?

He didn't find coal nor did he look for it.

Where would you most likely find a reindeer the Arctic or Antarctic Circle?

You won't find them at all in the Antarctic...that's the south pole. You will find them in the Arctic Circle.

Would it be more likely to find reindeer near the Arctic or Arctic Circles?

Near the Arctic Circle.

Where do you find most of the polar bears?

You would find a polar bear where the ocean is covered with ice. So that means you would fid a polar bear in Alaska, the Arctic regoion

When Lucie returned home what was she surprised to find?

Lucie was surprised to find her long-lost childhood friend waiting for her at her doorstep.