It might have been. Y2K Stands for year two thousand. The old computers went from 1997 to 98 to 99, and 00 is an invalid date. Basically all the computers in the world would have shut down, and yes, that includes the bank computers. It would have been a major problem because basically everyone would be bankrupt at the stroke of midnight on January 1st 2000. Scary, no?
According to the experts at F-Secure, the "Y2K Virus" is just a misnomer given to the Y2K bug by media personnel who didn't completely understand the problem.
James Glyce
There is no y2k movie yet!
The Year 2000 problem (also known as the Y2K problem, the Millennium bug, the Y2K bug, or simply Y2K) was a problem for both digital (computer-related) and non-digital documentation and data storage situations that resulted from the practice of truncating a four-digit year to two digits. This made year 2000 indistinguishable from 1900. The former assumption that a twentieth-century date was always understood caused various errors concerning, in particular, the display of dates and the automated ordering of dated records or real-time events.
Quoted from what is y2k (also by me):"Y2K" refers to the "Year 2000 (2 k)". Since this is posted in computer history, I'll assume you're referring to it's effect on computers, or more specifically the "Y2K bug". This was a bug out of the fact that before 2000, computers assumed that years started with 19 e.g. 1985 or 1999. When 2000 came around, people just assumed that computers would glitch out with errors as "2000" doesn't fit into the 19__ form. This was attributed to anything that was relied on computers (car ignition systems, coffee makers, etc.). January 1st came and went, and this proved to be false. And life went on...This caused no major problems, and most programmers had switched their code to be "y2k" compatible anyway.Oh, and I didn't stop it, other people did
Y2k super bike is wold fastest bike
The Y2K bug was a computer programming issue that caused concern as the year 2000 approached. Many feared that computers would not be able to properly handle the change from 1999 to 2000, potentially causing widespread malfunctions. Significant efforts were made to update and fix systems to prevent major disruptions, and ultimately, the impact of the Y2K bug was minimal.
Sorry my last answer was wrong (AT). You can buy y2k from
"Y2K" was the year 2000. A "Bugatti" is a car. Your question makes no sense.
Russ Kelly has written: 'Y2K: An equal opportunity destroyer' 'Y2K'
Some words that rhyme with "Y2K" are "kayak," "payback," and "way back."