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Q: Why was the steerage considered the worst accommodations on ships travelling from Europe to Asia?
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Why was steerage considered th worst accommodations on ships traveling to Europe to America?

The steerage accommodations on ships were traditionally the cheapest accommodations available. Third class passengers (and some times second-class) were considered steerage. The rooms were usually below deck, rooms were usually shared, as well as toilets, so there was very limited privacy, and poor food.

Why was steerage considered the worst accommodations on ships traveling from Europe to America?

The people in steerage were at the bottom of the ship and below water level. There were no windows, no rooms, and very little of anything else. The ships in the 1900's divided decks according to classes of people. The decks were separated with locked gates and the upper deck people who paid the most for passage never met or saw the people on the other decks. The immigrants below were locked in so they couldn't have access to the upper decks. They were considered the poorest dirtiest people on the ship so we're sold the worse accommodations.

Why was steerage considered the worst accommodations on ships from Europe to America?

The people in steerage were at the bottom of the ship and below water level. There were no windows, no rooms, and very little of anything else. The ships in the 1900's divided decks according to classes of people. The decks were separated with locked gates and the upper deck people who paid the most for passage never met or saw the people on the other decks. The immigrants below were locked in so they couldn't have access to the upper decks. They were considered the poorest dirtiest people on the ship so we're sold the worse accommodations.

What happens to immigrants from Europe who travel to America in steerage?

Immigrants from Europe who traveled to America in steerage were sent to Ellis island to face legal and medical inspection.

What happened to immigrants from Europe who travelled to America in steerage?

Immigrants from Europe who traveled to America in steerage were sent to Ellis island to face legal and medical inspection.

What happen to immigrants from Europe who traveled to America in steerage?

Immigrants from Europe who traveled to America in steerage were sent to Ellis island to face legal and medical inspection.

What happened to immigrants from Europe who traveled to American in steerage?

Immigrants were out in steerage because they could not afford first class or second. only the snotty rich people could. so that stunk for the poor.

How did the invention of railroads help poorer immigrants from eastern Europe get to America?

The railroad didn't help them get to the states because they had to take a ship from Europe to NYC. There is a big ocean they had to cross so they went steerage on ships.

Is Germany considered western Europe or southwestern Europe?

In Western Europe and it is also considered in central Europe, & northern Europe but not southwestern Europe.

Where is north America in relation to Europe?

To travel to Europe from North America means travelling west, or northwest from some parts of North America.

What was a trip like for an immigrant from Europe coming to the US in 1800's?

Well, it depends on what class you were in. Steerage was positively dreadful, while "first class" was little better. Steerage was just like you see in movies: seasick people, crying babies, nasty smells, over crowded areas. Like I was terrible!

Why did france and britain bulid the Suez canal?

to ease travelling time between Europe and Asia without travelling via South Africa or I's riches