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Q: Why was the south part of Carolina more prosperous than the northern part?
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Why was the southern part of Carolina more prosperous the northern part?

southern part of Carolina was more prosperous than the northern partBecause it had more fertile farmland.

Why was the southern part of Carolina more prospers than the northern part?

southern part of Carolina was more prosperous than the northern partBecause it had more fertile farmland.

What was the southern part of Carolina more prosperous than the northern part?

Yes, thanks to fertile farmland and a good harbor at Charles town......

Why was the southern part of California more prosperous then the northern part?

It is more crowded, but not necessarily more prosperous. San Francisco is very prosperous and to afford to buy a house takes a lot of money.

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South Korea

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As the south continued to grow, it became more prosperous and more and more regions jumped at the chance to use slaves as a cheap form of labor. While slavery was steadily declining in the northern states, it was growing at a frightening rate in the south.

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it's not true that southern China is more prosperous than northern China. in the Southwest of China, numerous villages are very poor. Some northern cities, like Beijing, Shenyang, Dalian, are prosperous. but in ancient China, southern China might be more prosperous for its elegant silks and pottery. the Yangtz River also benefited the merchants with transporting goods. PS: I'm a Chinese

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They originated in South America, but they can be found in the southern US and are now expanding to more northern areas like North Carolina and southern Indiana.

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South Carolina

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The south treated their slaves much more fairly than the deep southern states. (South example: North Carolina) (Deep South example: Georgia, South Carolina) Maryland treated their slave fairly, and they were considered a northern state.