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Because Queen Elizabeth 1 was on the throne. When Queen Victoria was on the throne (1837 to 1901) it was known as the Victorian era.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Because it was generaly the same time as the rule of Queen Elisabeth the first.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

It was named after Queen Elizabeth 1 (1558-1603)

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Q: Why was the England renaissance movement called the Elizabethan Era?
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What was the Renaissance movement called in England and Why?

It was known as the Elizabethan Era or the age of Shakespeare. A culture of people called mound builders, who created villages based on farming and trade.

What was the renaissance movement called England and why?

It was known as the Elizabethan Era or the age of Shakespeare. A culture of people called mound builders, who created villages based on farming and trade.

What was the renaissance movement called in England?

It was known as the "Elizabeth Era" or "The Age of Spakespeare"

What was the time period called when shakespeare wrote?

William Shakespeare wrote during the English Renaissance, a cultural and artistic movement in England that began in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. He primarily lived in Elizabethan England, named for Queen Elizabeth I who was queen of England from 1558 until her death in 1603. Elizabethan England is seen as the height of the English Renaissance. Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616; most of his works were produced between 1589 and 1613.

Why was England called Elizabethan England?

Because the queen at that time was called Elizabeth

What is the age during which Shakespeare lived called in history?

It's called the elizabethan Age or English Renaissance.

What was the Elizabethan times named after?

Elizabethan times are called that because it was the time when Elizabeth I was Queen of England.

What time period did William shakespeare live in what was this time period called?

It's called the Elizabethan Age or the English Renaissance.

What is Shakespeare's time period known as historically?

The portion up to 1601 is known as the Elizabethan Era after Queen Elizabeth I of England. The portion after is called the Jacobean Era after James I. Sometimes this time, especially the 16th century is called the English Renaissance.

What was the Elizabethan period also called?

The Elizabethan Era? (or since Queen Elizabeth practically rebirthed England, it can be called the Renaissance Period)

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