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Propaganda was important in the Second World War to serve multiple goals. These included

1. Perpetuate the myth that the Nazi Rules would indeed make Germany the greatest nation on earth.

2. Keep the population morale positive to counter negative news

3. Prevent any internal resistance getting enough support to reach a critical mass.

4. To generate hatred by playing on the perceived injustices and use it.

5. To direct the hatred to specific targets such as the Jewish population and other races.

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Q: Why was propaganda so important in Germany during the Second World War?
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In Germany 1932-1945, Radio, newspapers, magazines, posters, signs & flyers were used by the Nazis to spread their propaganda that supported Adolf Hitler. This is before television was used. This was very important for the Nazis to maintain their control over the German people. During the Second World War, the German people were forbidden to listen to or read material coming from outside Germany.

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The Soviet Union produced a significant amount of propaganda posters during the 20th century, particularly during World War II and the Cold War. The posters were used to promote patriotism, communism, and support for the government.

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To plot against the monarchy, or the Government, is classed as an act of treason. 'Lord Haw-Haw' was the nickname of the wartime traitor William Joyce, who committed an act of treason by broadcasting Nazis propaganda to Britain from Germany, during the second World War.

Know your place shut your face?

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