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Monroe was concerned about European expanison simply because In regard to [the American] continents, circumstances are eminently and conspicuously different. According to Monroe, it is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness; nor can anyone believe that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of the United Staes to leave the parties to themselves in the hope that other powers will pursue the same course. p. 404 in the American Government

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Q: Why was president Monroe concerned about Mexico independence?
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Why was President Monroe concerned when Mexico became independent from Spain in 1821?

he didn't want Mexico to attack the United States

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Was wasn't the Monroe doctrine enforce in Mexico during their independence?

It didn't exist at the time. Mexico fought its war of independence between 1810 and 1821; the Monroe doctrine wasn't elaborated until 1823.

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Mexico consolidated its independence on September 27, 1821. At the time, James Monroe (term: 1817-1825) held the presidential seat.

Who was the president of Mexico in 1819 and what did he do to help in that crisis?

James Monroe was the president durin the panic of 1819

Who was the US president that promised to protect Latin American independence from European countries in 1823?

James Monroe

Which president guaranteed independence in western hemisphere from Europe interference?

Monroe He instigated the "Monroe Doctrine" and coined the phrase "walk softly and carry a big stick"

Which president established the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was proposed by President James Monroe.

Any wars when president James Monroe was president?

No there was no wars when James Monroe was president.

What number was Monroe president?

James Monroe was the 5th US President , serving from 1817 to 1825.Monroe was the 5th president after Madison

3rd president to die on Independence Day?

James Monroe was the third president to die on July 4th or Independence Day. He died on July 4th 1831. Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th 1826.

When Was James Monroe ever vice president?

James Monroe was never a Vice President.