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The Steel Frame buildings were ridig and lacked the flexibility to withstand lateral swaying during even a moderate magnitude quake.

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soft sediments and an underlying lake bed underneath the city

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Q: Why was building damage so extensive in the 1985 Mexico city quake?
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What earthquake was accompanied by extensive fire damage?

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake was accompanied by extensive fire damage, which led to the destruction of about 80% of the city. The earthquake, estimated to have a magnitude of 7.8, ruptured gas lines, causing widespread fires that burned for days.

How earthquake-reistant are steel building systems?

That depends upon the building codes where the building was constructed and how old it is. In California nothing can be constructed without being resistant to Earthquake damage. Elsewhere there might be no such restrictions as quakes would be unknown. Generally speaking a steel building will be resistant to a earth quake up to a 7.0 magnitude. Some states do require more rigid buildigs due to quake frequecey.

What was the largest earthquake in texas?

On August 16, 1931, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck near Valentine, Texas, in the far western part of the state causing extensive damage. It is the strongest quake to have occurred in the state.

How does rubber moorings in a building help minimize damage during an earthquake?

Because rubber is flexible - so it absorbs a lot of the motion of the earth during a quake. Rubber moorings act as a kind of barrier between the building and the earth.

What is a dangerous level on earthquake?

Anything above an 8.0 is considered a great quake. Catastrophic damage can result from a great quake.

When an earthquake occurs where would be damage more?

If the earthquake occurs on land - the highest damage occurs at the epicentre (the point at which the quake starts). If the quake begins at sea - most damage is caused at coastal regions from tidal waves.

What are the ratings and certificates for Quake Proof Building the Perfect Bridge - 2006 TV?

Quake Proof Building the Perfect Bridge - 2006 TV is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-G

Can you give a sentence wih quake?

Example sentences: Noun: We felt the quake at the mall; the whole building shook. Verb: My whole body would quake with nerves when I said my lines.

What links 132.5 Aztecs 1985 quake tenochtitlan and peso?

Mexico City

How can you limit earthquake damage to a town?

You can have automatic circuit breakes and shutoff valves for water and gas. You can enforce a building code that calls for all buildings, particularly multi storey ones to be quake resistant.

What are the factors of earthquake building?

the factors of the earth quake building if wind and any body of water is circulating then wala

How do isolators help in reducing earthquake damages in buildings?

We find that isolators that are incorporated into structures allow that building to move independently of the ground. This construction strategy permits the energy of the quake to be damped by the isolators, and this reduces the damage done to the structure.