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Becuase the union wanted it to be entered into the United Staes as a slave state considering it was below the 30/60 line(Missouri compromise)

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Stanford Dibbert

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opposition from Britain

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Q: Why was annexation important?
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What was a date important in Hawaii's history?

US annexation, 7 July 1898 I didnt ask what the date what i asked why was the date so important

What was true about the annexation of Hawaii?

Annexation changed the social structure of Hawaii

How do use annexation in a sentence?

The country enlarged its territory with the annexation of the island

Did James K. Polk favor annexation?

Yes, he did favor the annexation of texas.

Which group in Hawaii was in favor of annexation by US?

Business men were in favor of annexation.

What factors led to the annexation of Hawaii in 1898?

Hawaii's strategic location for warfare in the Philippines made it especially important to American interests.

Why was the Texas annexation important?

well first, we got Texas! they were a slave state at first but then we aded another state to even out the country

What could be a sentence with the word annexation in it?

Annexation..a word meaning to become a part of something

What new relation with Hawaii did congress approve in 1898?

Congress approved annexation of Hawaii in 1898, after Sanford Dole removed Queen Lilioukalani from power.

The annexation of Austria?

Annexation of Austria was the merge of Austria into Nazi Germany On March 12, 1938, Nazi parties from Austria and Germany were collaboratively involved in the Annexation of Austria.

Which presidential candidate opposed annexation of Texas?

The president that supported annexation was James K. Polk.

Why did President Cleveland oppose the annexation of Hawaii?

Because Hawaii's annexation was not supported by the people of Hawaii.