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Q: Why was Yugoslavia different from other communist countries?
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How is Vietnam become different after their war?

Vietnam is now a communist country that functions like most other countries.

What were three communist counrties in the cold war?

Soviet Union, China and North Korea. However, there were many more. Yugoslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Vietnam, Cuba, Poland and many other Eastern Europe countries.

Did Serbia fight for their independence from Yugoslavia?

No, never! Serbia tried to stop other countries in path to their independence. Serbia loved Yugoslavia, but unfortunately for serbs other countries did not loved it, so Yugoslavia fell apart. And then Serbia tried to force, with agresion and wars, other coutries not to leave Yugoslavia! Serbs destroyed many towns and killed many people in that wars.

What communist ruler of a satellite nation tended to be more independent of the Soviets than other Eastern European nations and which country did he rule?

Marshal Tito and he ruled Yugoslavia

What sports do the people play in Yugoslavia?

none, Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore it has been divided up into other countries like Croatia and Montenegro

What happened after Vietnam reunited?

It joined the ranks of other communist countries.

Which other east European countries were ruled by the communist parties in 1980's?

Prior to the fall of communism in Europe, the communist countries of Eastern Europe were East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia - as well as Russia itself, which is at least partially European although it extends far into Asia.

If you live in a communist country can you go on holiday?

Yes you can. People in some communist countries travel around their own country and to other countries. Some countries, like North Korea, are much sticter though.

What other countries were on the North Vietnamese side?

Chinese communist. and russiaRussia and China

What was the Communist Internationale?

The Communist Internationale, also known as the 'Comintern', was an organization created by Vladimir Lenin to foment communist revolutionary spirit and activity in all of the industrialized countries nearby. Russia became a virtual pariah among other countries because of its interference and meddling in the affairs and governments of other countries.

What was the impact of the the revolution on Cuba and other countries?

Cuba has stayed communist ever since.

What communist country controlled many of the other communist countries?

Russia was state capitalist and controlled other eastern European state capitalist countries. They had no connection at all with Communism (a classless stateless society based on production for use).