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Czar Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra had a son Alexi who had hemophilia. Rasputin knew their former doctor and shortly after he was dismissed Rasputin took over and seemed to be able to help Alexi calm down during his attacks. After that he gained more and more power

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Rasputin was a so-called holy man who the Tsarina hired to help her son Alexi. Alexi had hemophelia, meaning uncontrolled bleeding. Rasputin seemed to be the only one who could stop Alexi's bleeding and make him feel better.

Soon, the Tsarina came to trust him completely. She took his advice in almost everything, especially the political. Rasputin had tons of power in the government, seeing that Tsar Nicholas was a weak ruler.

Later, Rasputin predicted that the family's downfall would be linked to his own death. And strangely enough, when Rasputin was murdered (he was poisoned, shot, and thrown in a river), the family went into exile and were later murdered.

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Q: Why was Rasputin an important figure in the lives of the Romanov's and in Russian history?
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The previous answer was obviously based on a piece of cartoon fiction and not history. It was not at all Rasputin's fault that the Romanovs fell. It was the Romanovs' own fault. Let's not forget that there was a 1905 revolution (before the 1917 one that ended the Romanov reign), before Rasputin was ever introduced to St. Petersburg society. Tsarist Russia was only pleasant for the nobility. The workers, peasants, and especially the Jews were severely oppressed, persecuted and often slaughtered because their lives held no worth. But it was not only these groups that were dissatisfied with the Tsar. Even the aristocrats began to mock his weak-willed and indecisive ways, and his lack of ability to prioritize. And let us not forget that the military and police willingly participated in the revolution as well. Rasputin had been dead for months when this all came about and, being anti-war and anti-violence (unlike the Romanovs), not to mention that he was a monarchist, he would never have advocated revolution. The Revolution was definitely a result of oppressing too many people for too many centuries before they got tired of it and inflamed by the aristocracy's decadence being flaunted under their noses. Even the last members of the tsarist government, as well as those in the Provisional and Communist governments that followed the Revolution, state that it is simplistic and naive to think that one man brought about such a widespread revolution. There were multiple causes.

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You must be joking. Russia has one of the most important cultures in western Europe and Asia. She has a long, important and very eventful history. Use the link below as a starting point. You could spend a lifetime specializing in Russian history.

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Yes, the Jews were persecuted horribly under the Czars. Please see the related article for the history.