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Slavery was protected by the US Constitution. The President could not free the slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation only applied to those states which had seceded from the union, so they lost their constiutional rights. However, it is not clear that Lincoln had the the legal right to issue it, but it was war-time and the President was given special powers, so no one challenged it in court.

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Partly because he knew that his popularity in the South would fall, and that the economic system of the South was so dependent on slavery that the southern economy would crumble dramatically.

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Abraham Lincoln wanted to free the slaves.

Which president free the slaves?

Abraham Lincoln.

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Abraham Lincoln did not kill any slaves. He worked to free them.

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Why did Lincoln issue the emancipation do?

To Free the Slaves

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Fredrick Douglas urged Lincoln to free the slaves as a Moral Issue, but it raised morale as well.

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President Lincoln favored saving the Union over freeing the slaves.

Who forced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves?

Nobody forced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves, he just saw that slavery was not right so he wanted to end it.

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Lincoln fought to free the slaves from the south, places like Georgia, Florida etc. as opposed to the people in the north who did not use slavery.

Did Abraham Lincoln free the slaves in Canada?

Lincoln had no jurisdiction over Canada.