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Q: Why was John jay treated with Great Britain not popular in the United states?
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The United States and Britain

Which nations had claim in Oregon?

The Nations that had claim in Oregon was Great Britain and the United States.

What countries don't have a popular sovereignty government?

A popular sovereign government recognizes civilian liberties and the United States is an example of this. Another country is France followed by Great Britain and United Kingdom.

Is Britain in the US?

No, Britain is a separate country from the United States. Britain refers to the island that includes England, Scotland, and Wales, while the United States is a country located across the Atlantic Ocean.

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England is the part of Great Britain that colonized the south of the United States.

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The major allied powers were the United States, Britain and France.

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The Oregon Territory was split between the United States and Britain.

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The most popular president of the United States was Bill Clinton.

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The Oregon Treaty was made to avoid war between Britain and the United States.

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Fox hunting is popular in Celtic Britain. Fox hunting originated in the United Kingdom, but is practised all over the world, including in Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy and United States.

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Kingdom of Great Britain

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United states and Great Britain