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They simply were not prepared

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Q: Why was Greece was so easily conquered by Phillip of Macedon and the Macedonian Army?
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Who conquered Greece in 388?

Alexander "The Great Of Macedon" conqured Greece for the Macedonian's and the Macedonian Empire which was not part of Greece, if Alexander "The Great Of Macedon" was Greek then why would he conqur his own land and people?

Who is the father of Alexander that united Greece after the Peloponnesian War?

That was Phillip II of Macedon.

Who united Greece in 338BC?

Greece was taken by the Macedon King, Phillip the second. Who started the empire, Alexander continued on.

Was Macedonia an empire?

Yes, it certainly was an empire. A king called Phillip of Macedon united with lower Greece and conquered neighboring territories and then his son Alexander the Great went all out and conquered Persia and added much of the eastern world to the empire. It was short lived and fell apart after the death of Alexander, but while it lasted it was an empire.

What led to the creation of Greece?

The disparate, fractious city-states were brought together when they were conquered by Philip of Macedon.

What did King Phillip do to Macedonia and the rest of Greece?

King Philip helped Macedonia become powerful and united Greece under Macedonian hegemony.

Why did rome conquer the greek city states?

Rome conquered mainland Greece due to having been embroiled in the instability of the area and the political conflicts and wars between Greek states, rather than a desire for or a design of conquest. Rome wanted stability in the region. When Rome conquered peninsular Greece in 146 BC, this area was not exclusively composed of city-states. It also had the kingdom of Epirus which covered the west and the kingdom of Macedon in the north and part of the centre, which was the largest and the dominant state in mainland Greece. Rome ended up conquering mainland Greece as a result of having made alliances with some Greek states during the First Macedonian War she fought against Macedon. She was then drawn into three more wars (a 2nd and 3rd war against Macedon and a war with a Greek state in Syria) because she had been asked for help by her allies during military disputes between Greek states. After the Third Macedonian War, Rome spit the kingdom of Macedon into four republics which were her client states to end the troubles this kingdom was causing in the area. A rebellion broke out in Macedon, leading to the 4th Macedonian War. At the end of this war Rome decided to annex troublesome Macedon. The Achaean league, a league of city-states in the Peloponnese, in the south, decided to fight Rome. The league lost and Rome decided to annex the whole of mainland Greece.

What macedoian spread Greek culture through the establishment of a vast empire?

King Phillip originally conquered Greece with his Macedonian army. Later when his son took over, he fought the Persian won and expanded the empire to Egypt and the edge of India.

When was Phoenicia conquered by Greece?

Greece did not conquer Phoenicia. Macedonian king Alexander took it over as part of his conquest of the Persian Empire in 334 BCE.

Why did Rome conquer the Greek city-state?

Rome conquered mainland Greece due to having been embroiled in the instability of the area and the political conflicts and wars between Greek states, rather than a desire for or a design of conquest. Rome wanted stability in the region. When Rome conquered peninsular Greece in 146 BC, this area was not exclusively composed of city-states. It also had the kingdom of Epirus which covered the west and the kingdom of Macedon in the north and part of the centre, which was the largest and the dominant state in mainland Greece. Rome ended up conquering mainland Greece as a result of having made alliances with some Greek states during the First Macedonian War she fought against Macedon. She was then drawn into three more wars (a 2nd and 3rd war against Macedon and a war with a Greek state in Syria) because she had been asked for help by her allies during military disputes between Greek states. After the Third Macedonian War, Rome spit the kingdom of Macedon into four republics which were her client states to end the troubles this kingdom was causing in the area. A rebellion broke out in Macedon, leading to the 4th Macedonian War. At the end of this war Rome decided to annex troublesome Macedon. The Achaean league, a league of city-states in the Peloponnese, in the south, decided to fight Rome. The league lost and Rome decided to annex the whole of mainland Greece.

What is the phillip2's accomplishment?

If you are referring to Phillip the second of Macedon, he accomplished much for his kingdom. He conquered Greece, Thrace, and Illyria, adding riches and power for Alexander the Great, his son, to exploit in his conquests of Asia. Phillip also reformed the Macedonian army, creating the most lethal army ever to the date. He gave his men long spears (Sarrisa), over 17 feet long! He also had them fight close together, a phalanx. He created a strong force of cavalry, or horsemen, called the companions, to stress their relationship with the king

Which comes first Philip of Macedon conquers Greece Athens is defeated in the peloponnesian war rome falls to the goths Greece falls under Roman control.?

1. Athens is defeated in the Peloponnesian War 2. Phillip of Macedon conquers Greece. 3.Greece falls under Roman Control 4.Rome falls to the goths.