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The name Glasgow was originally the Gaelic "Gleas chu", which means "dear green place". It wasn't always an industrial and commercial centre and many centuries ago it was but a village.

It was green because of its wet climate. That's why the cotton industry started in the west, the damp climate kept the cotton from drying out!

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Q: Why was Glasgow Scotland known as the dear green place?
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Where does the city of Glasgow in Scotland get its name from?

Glasgow means 'dear green place'.

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The Dear Green Place didn't need to be discovered, it's not in the middle of a desert.

Why was the city known as the dear green place?

Glasgow is known as the dear green place because of the number of parks and open spaces it has.

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Glasgow is known as the dear green place because of the number of parks and open spaces it has.

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To be honest i don't think that there is any place called Forest green certainly not where i live but there could be in like Scotland or Glasgow or London but i dno if there is a place called that xxx

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the myth is, is that scota daughter of an egyptian pharo came to what is now scotland after a long journey eventually if im right she became queen and thus scotas land became the land of the scots her people and there you have it SCOTLAND (whichmight secede from the "U.K." in 2014) Scotland is named after the Irish Scotti tribe who settled in what is now southwest Scotland.

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Glasgow is known as the dear green place because of the number of parks.

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Dear Green Place

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Glasgow University or Edinburgh University