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because they did

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Q: Why was Germany worried about Russia?
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Why did Britan get involved with World War 1?

To help France and Russia defeat Germany. Britain wanted Germany to lose WWI, so they joined France and Russia. Britain was worried that if Germany won WWI, they would be too powerful for England to defeat by themselves, so they joined France and Russia and declared war on Germany.

How was russia effected by ww1?

they where effected because they was worried that they would not be able to fight because they are past Germany who where the people furthest away from the battle

Why did France and Russia form a dual alliance?

The dual alliance of 1892 between France and Russia arose from fear of Germany.

What did the Soviet Union do that cause the US to be worried in world war 2?

They joined forces with Germany even though Russia (the Soviet Union) is friends with the US.

What countries battled each other on the wars eastern front?

Germany and Russia

Where did Germany and Russia fight?

Germany wanted to take over russia.

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What is farther north Russia or Germany?

Russia is farther North than Germany

Who won between Russia and Germany?

The outcome of the match between Russia and Germany was a tie.

Why was France and Germany worried about each other in World War 1?

They were Worried incase they died

Did Britain really declared war on Germany to help her or was she afraid that by Germany invading Russia ultimately her colonies in the middle east where threatened?

I don't think it was the colonies that the British government were worried about, I think it was the UK itself, if Germany had the cheek to invade Czecoslovakia and Poland then France and the UK could be next!

Is Germany in Russia?

Germany and Russia are two different countries. However from 1945 to 1991 the Soviet Union did "possess" and control East Germany and East Berlin. Now all of Germany is free and self-ruling. Russia no longer has anything to do with Germany.