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Specifically, it began in Jerusalem, Israel. Generally speaking 'Palestine' is between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River - as a crossroad between religion, culture, commerce and politics.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It first arose in Israel but it is originated in Palestine. Also during romes decline, Christianity was introduced to Rome <--- Italy

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Land that God gave to the Israelites and which Jesus came to includes what we now call Palestine.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

It was founded in Israel, the place some people call Palestine did not exist yet at that time in history. All of what is now called Palestine by some people used to be a part of Israel.

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Q: Why was Christianity founded in palestine?
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From a Roman Catholic Point of view Christianity was not "founded" but is a fulfillment of the messianic prophecies found in the Jewish Scriptures Christianity started as an Ecclesia or Small Community in Roman Palestine, but developed new edicts and formalized its theology in Aegean, both in modern Greece and western Anatolia.

Did Christianity began in palestine?

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According to history, Christianity was founded in Paelstine during the first century by the desciples of Jesus Christ. From Palestine the ideas were spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire, however it took a while for the new religion to be accepted.

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Judaism started in Egypt. Christianity started in what is called currently Palestine territories.Another viewIn the area now known as Israel/Palestine

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Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ, a preacher and religious leader in ancient Palestine around the 1st century AD. His teachings and the events of his life are recorded in the New Testament of the Bible.

Where was Christianity founed?

A lot of Christianity is based in the areas of Israel/Palestine, though mainly Israel.