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Because they liked them....... :)

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Q: Why was Austria Hungary allied with Bulgaria?
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Who was allied by Austria-hungry in World War 1?

Austria-Hungary was allied with Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

Why did Britain enter war with austria Hungary?

Because Bulgaria allied with Germany

Who was allied with Germany in World War l?

Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria were Germany's allies.

What country allied with Germany during worlds war 1?

Austria- Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

Did Austria Hungary want Serbia's land?

No, Austria - Hungary allied with Bulgaria (and Germany) in the First World War. It was invaded by the Allies in 1916.

What country was not a member of the allied powers?

Italy ,France, British Australia, India, turkey

Who was allied with Germany durling World War 1?

Germany's major allies were Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. Together, they were known as the Central Powers.Italy was allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary, but chose not to enter the war when it started. Later, Italy switched sides and joined the war as part of the Allied Powers, mainly to fight against their old enemy Austria-Hungary.

What other countries allied with Hungary during World War 2?


What five losing nations receive treaties from the allies at the end of world war 1?

Germany. Austria-Hungary. Ottoman Turkey. Bulgaria

Did Austria Hungary invade Bulgaria?


In World War 1 who did the allies fight?

In World War 1 the Allied Powers, or Entente Powers, fought against the Central Powers. Initially composed of Germany and Austria-Hungary, they were later joined by the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.

Who was on Austria-Hungary's side in WW1?

Germany, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria (1915-1918) was on Austria-Hungary's side.