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Alaska was called "Polar Bear Garden" because when it was purchased in 1867, everyone thought there was nothing but Polar Bears and snow. They thought it was a waste of money. Then around the 1900's they found gold and oils in Alaska, and no one made fun of it anymore. It was also once called "Seward's Folly" or "Sward's Icebox" because William Seward was the man interested in buying it.

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How and when did the U.S acquire Alaska What is its nickname today?

Alaska was bought from Russia in 1867. Most called it Steward's Folly because they thought it was a bad idea. Some called it President Andrew Johnson's polar bear garden.

What is the name of the most large and fierce animal of Alaska?

Bears have been considered the most common animals in Alaska. Alaska is home to the polar bear, the grizzly bear, and the black bear.

In what state does the largest bear live?

Polar bear. Alaska.

Has anybody ever cremated a polar bear?

It is possible that people in Alaska have cremated a polar bear.

Are bears found in Canada or Alaska?

Several species of bear can be found in both Canada and Alaska. In north Alaska and round the Arctic Circle, the bear is likely to be a polar bear.

What is the range for a polar bear?

The polar bear actually lives in the Arctic, which includes Russia, Canada, Alaska, Norway, etc

What is the most eaten food in Alaska?

whales and polar bear is mostly eaten in Alaska

Where can you see a polar bear?

Zoo, Alaska, Northern Canada.

What is polar bear poop called?

Polar bear feces.

Would a polar bear most likely be near the US?

Yes, there are polar bears in Alaska.

Where are there bears in the US?

The back bear would be the largest. If you took time you could find it in a diffrent place. But yes is one of the larger bears.The largest type of bear in the United States is the brown bear, also called the grizzly bear. They can weigh 150 to 1,700 pounds, and when they stand on two legs, they can be ten feet tall. If you count Alaska, the answer would be the Kodiak bear, which is a type of brown bear, but bigger.