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Okay first let me say that the belief of the invulnerability of Achilles began in the first century BC starting with a poem by Statius. (Long after the Trojan War.) It was not known before this and really Homer records three event when Achilles received minor wounds and even bleed. I don't like the idea of Achilles being invulnerable as it depreciates his humanity, his commitment to the war and the deserving drama of situation.

That said: when Achilles was a child his mother dipped him in the River Styx which gave him invulnerability. However she did this she held him by the ankle so that ankle didn't get the effect of the river's water and it was his vulnerable point.

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Q: Why was Achilles invulnerable with his heel?
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Why was Achilles heel vulnerable?

Thetis dipped Achilles in the waters of the River Styx, by which means he became invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him-the proverbial "Achilles' heel."

What was the bullseye on Achilles?

The bullseye on Achilles was his heel. According to Greek mythology, Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel, where his mother Thetis held him as she dipped him into the River Styx to make him immortal.

What achievements did Paris of Troy make during the Trojan War?

Paris managed to kill Achilles, the great warrior, by wounding his heel with an arrow. Achilles' heel was his only mortal point on his invulnerable body, which is where the saying 'Achilles' heel' comes from.

The Achilles heel rises from what?

It is taken from the story 'the Illiad'. The hero Achilles had been dipped in the sacred river by his mother to make invulnerable to weapon attack; all of him got this power except his heel, which she was holding. So an Achilles heel is the weak spot.

What is an Acheillies heel?

It is your weakest piont. According to the legend, Achilles' mother dipped him into a miraculous water when he was a child holding him by his heel. This way Achilles became nearly invulnerable. Knowing this, the Trojan prince Paris shot him in the heel with a poisoned arrow, and Achilles died.

What is the story of Achilles' heel?

Thetis, mother of Achilles, tried to make him invulnerable by putting him into the waters of the Styx (a river of Hades) but the heel by which she held him was not touched by the Styx's waters, and failed to be protected.In the Iliad, Homer does not mention this weakness of Achilles' heel.

What part of the body did wound when Achilles died?

Heel ...i suppose The legend of Achilles has it that he was dipped into the river Styx by his mother Thetis in order to make him invulnerable. His heel wasn't covered by the water and he was later killed by an arrow wound to his heel.

what story was about Achilles?

The story of Achilles is featured in Greek mythology and focuses on his role in the Trojan War. Achilles is a skilled warrior who was invulnerable except for his heel. He is known for his bravery in battle, his close friendship with Patroclus, and his eventual death from a wound to his heel inflicted by Paris.

Cause of Achilles' death?

His mother held the baby Achilles by the heel when she dipped him in the River Styx to make him invulnerable to injury. His heel was not exposed to the magic of the river water and he died after being shot in the heel with an arrow.

What is a good example of a classical allusion?

An example of a classical allusion is referencing the "Achilles' heel," which alludes to the Greek myth of Achilles who was invulnerable except for his heel. This allusion is used to describe a vulnerable point or weakness in someone or something.

Why the tendon above the heel is called the Achilles tendon?

The tendon above the heel is called the Achilles tendon because it connects the calf muscle to the heel bone, named after the Greek mythological hero Achilles. According to the myth, Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel, where his mother held him when she dipped him in the river Styx to make him immortal.