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Ji hai he nahin use todna kya hai bhai.......

par ek baat to hai Qutub Minaar hai bada sundar or uchaa eiffel tower se bhi uchaa par samajh sakta hai ye koi hi.......

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The upper portion of Qutub Minar was destroyed by lightning in 1368 A.D

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Q: Why the two floor of of Qutub Minar were destroyed?
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How many floor in qutb minar?

it has 6 Flores & the 7 Th flore is fallen down

Qutub minar is largely cladded with?

The top two stories of the Qutub Minar were made from white marble and the rest of the Qutub Minar was made from red sandstone.

Which material used in Qutub Minar?

The Qutub Minar is a tower located in Delhi, India. It is the world's tallest brick minaret. It was built by Qutub-ud-din Aibak an emperor of India and was later finished by Illtutmish in A.D. 1198. It is made up of red and buff sandstone.

Material used in the construction of qutub minar?

Qutub Minar is made of rad sandstone and white marble: 5 stories are made from red sandstone and the two stories of the top are made from white marble.

Who had made the qutub minar?

Qutub minar was built by Qutbuddn Aibak till the first storey then he died and it was completed by Iltutmish. This is the Muslim version of the history. The real history is different. The township adjoining the Kutub Minar is known as Mehrauli. That is a Sanskrit word Mihira-awali. It signifies the town- ship where the well known astronomer Mihira of Vikramaditya's court lived along with his helpers, mathemati- cians and technicians. They used the so-called Kutub tower as an observation post for astronomical study. Around the tower were pavilions dedicated to the 27 constel- lations of the Hindu Zodiac. Kutubuddin has left us an inscription that he destroyed these pavilions. But he has not said that he raised any tower. The ravaged temple was renamed as Kuwat-ul-Islam mosque. Stones dislodged from the so-called Kutub Minar have Hindu images on one side with Arabic lettering on the other. Those stones have now been removed to the Museum. They clearly show that Muslim invaders used to remove the stone- dressing of Hindu buildings, turn the stones inside out to hide the image facial and inscribe Arabic lettering on the new frontage. Bits of Sanskrit inscriptions can still be deciphered in the premises on numerous pillars and walls. Numerous images still adorn the cornices though disfigured.

Which type stone used in Qutub Minar?

The Qutb Minar is a tower in Delhi, India which stands at 72.5 meters (237.8 ft). The lower three storeys of the minaret are made mainly of a buff colored quartzite, a type of red sandstone and the top two stories are constructed using white marble.

What was the color and type of rock used in Qutub Minar?

The Qutb Minar is a tower in Delhi, India which stands at 72.5 meters (237.8 ft). The lower three storeys of the minaret are made mainly of a buff colored quartzite, a type of red sandstone and the top two stories are constructed using white marble.

What type of rock is used to make qutub minar?

The Qutb Minar is a tower in Delhi, India which stands at 72.5 meters (237.8 ft). The lower three storeys of the minaret are made mainly of a buff colored quartzite, a type of red sandstone and the top two stories are constructed using white marble.

At which of the above boundaries is sea floor destroyed?

Sea floor is destroyed at convergent boundaries where two tectonic plates collide. One plate is forced underneath the other in a process called subduction, leading to the destruction of the denser oceanic plate.

The ocean floor is destroyed at?

The ocean floor is destroyed at a slower rate compared to the damage inflicted on land ecosystems. Human activities such as deep-sea mining, pollution, and trawling can negatively impact the ocean floor, disrupting habitats and marine life. Conservation efforts are essential to protect and preserve these valuable ecosystems.

Who completed the Qutab Minar?

Firoz Shah Tughlaq added the last two new stories of it.

What are two UNESCO World Heritage sites in New Delhi?

Humayan's Tomb and Qutb Minar are two UNESCO World Heritage sites in New Delhi.