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The seasons are reversed.

When it is spring or summer in the northern hemisphere, it is the autumn (fall) or the winter in Australia.

This is caused by the northern part of the world being tipped the opposite way (towards or away) from the sun to Australia.

The seasons in Australia and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere are reversed from those in the Northern Hemisphere. When it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and so forth. For example, the Australian summer starts in December, while winter begins in July.

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Watson Dooley

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2y ago
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12y ago

In the North there are basically two seasons - a warm, dry winter and a humid, sweltering, wet summer. These are called the 'dry' and the 'wet'. In the far north, the traditional indigenous people of Australia recognised six seasons.

In the South it is a more temperate climate, with warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters, with four seasons. The seasons begin at different times to those in the northern hemisphere. Spring begins on the 1st of September and runs through to November, Summer is from 1 December to the end of February, Autumn is from 1 March to May, and Winter is from 1 June to the end of August.

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15y ago

Yes, they are. In Australia, the seasons are as follows: Summer: December, January, February Autumn: March, April May Winter: June, July, August Spring: September, October, December

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15y ago

They are on different hemispheres, so the tilt of the earth would change the weather on Australia and North America. One hemisphere is closer to the sun, and the other's farther.

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13y ago

Australia is a vast land mass compared to the UK and consequently the sea will only effect coastal regions.

Also because it is so large there will be many different climate areas.

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14y ago

I will assume you mean North America and say because Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Q: Why are the seasons in Australia opposite than those in north America?
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It would be Autumn, as the seasons are opposite on the other side of the hemisphere.

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