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Russia and US wanted to show who is better in technologies and the best way was to reach the moon.

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Q: Why the heck was the US racing Russia to the moon?
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Why was the US was racing Russia to the moon?

Politics, mainly. The US and the USSR each wanted to prove they had superior technology, which could in turn be taken to mean they had the more powerful military.

Why was the us racing russia to the the moon?

The United States and Russia were engaged in a Cold War rivalry during the mid-20th century. Competition for space exploration, including reaching the moon, was seen as a symbol of technological and ideological superiority. The US wanted to be the first to demonstrate its capabilities and dominance in space, which led to the race to the moon.

When did russia send there spacecraft to the moon?

after the US

Why did the us want to go to the moon first?

The US wanted to go to the moon first as part of the space race with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was seen as a demonstration of technological and scientific superiority, as well as a way to showcase military capabilities. The accomplishment also provided political and national prestige for the US.

Why was the US racing Russia to the moon?

It was a matter of national prestige and ideology. However there were several benefits from the 'competition'. Such as in new manufacturing and materials. Overall of far more economic importance than the actual landings.

Did russia landon the moon before the US?

The US is the only nation to have set foot on the moon, all conspiracy theories aside.

Has Russia been to the moon?

No, Russia has not landed humans on the moon. The Soviet Union, which was the precursor to Russia, launched several unmanned lunar missions, but did not achieve a manned moon landing like the United States.

Why was the U.S. racing Russia to the moon?

US still uses Soviet, note that: not Russian, but Soviet engines that were created for Soviet Moon programm as the engines to come to the Space. Moon run was too expensive for Cold War. We already launched the First Satellite, animal, human man, female and man in the opened Space before.

Was the US the first country to get to outer-space?

No Russia was, but we America was first to get on the moon.

Who were the first to land on the moon the Russia or US?

The United States were the first to land on the moon with the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. The Soviet Union, now Russia, had attempted but never successfully landed astronauts on the moon.

Is India Planning to step on moon after US?

No, India is inferior to our great motherland Russia!

What was significant about the landing of the spacecraft surveyor on the moon?

Cause the us was comprying with Russia at the time