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Q: Why the US wanted to control midway island Samoa and Hawaii?
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What was japan's reason for attacking Midway?

They wanted Midway Island for a re-fuelling base for aircraft and warships.

How did the locations of Hawaii and Midway make them important islands to Japan and the US in World War 2?

They were ideal locations for ports and aircraft refueling. Both provided excellent staging areas if a nation were to attack. Japan wanted to rule the Pacific, and tried to take Hawaii so that they would have more control. Because of differences in aircraft and nuclear war ships, Hawaii and Midway are not as strategically important as they were before, but they still allow a nation to have military influence in the Pacific.

What did japan want in the battle of midway?

Japan attacked the Midway Islands because it wanted to prevent the US from having control of the western half of the Pacific ocean. The Battle of Midway occurred in June of 1942.

Is Hawaii considered an island a state are peninsula?

if you asked if Hawaii is peninsula and the answer starts with hey idiot don't listen to them because their the idiot moron. But it's not , just encase you wanted to know.

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Why did japan attack midway island?

In June of 1942, the Japanese attacked Midway Island for two reasons. For one thing, they sought to draw out the American navy so as to inflict a decisive defeat upon it. For another thing, they sought to establish a forward base from which to make further attacks upon American territory and also to prevent any additional American attacks upon the Japanese home-islands.

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They simply wanted to retain control of what they claimed to be their island(s).

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America's Most Wanted - 1988 Hawaii's Most Wanted was released on: USA: 1994

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Because the British wanted to control New York and the Hudson River.

Why did Americans overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy?

On Jan,17 1893 Queen of Hawaii Liliuokalani was forced to give up her throne by a group of planters. She was then held prisoner and was never let go. She called on the United states for help and was rejected. When the Queen died Th united States took over her land.

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Answer this question… They wanted to control all of the island of Hispaniola.

Who did the Battle of Midway involve?

The Battle of Midway was fought by the Japanese Navy and the US Navy between 4th and 7th of June 1942. The Japanese were wanting to take over Midway partly to use in further attacks on Hawaii and to prevent more attacks on the Japanese home islands. The Japanese high command also wanted to take over part of the Aleutian Islands at the same time, so part of their forces were assigned to invade there at the same time.