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Q: Why slavery was outlawed in the Northwest Territories?
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The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 had outlawed what in the Northwest territories north of the Ohio River?

they outlawed slavery

What did the northwest ordinance says about slavery?

NIt outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory Thanks

How did the Northwest Ordinance address the issue of slavery in the new territory?

The Northwest Ordinance prohibited slavery northwest of the Ohio River.

What was outlawed in the nortwest territory?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 contained many acts. Act number 6 in the law specifically outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude.

Was slavery banned in the Northwest Territories in 1787?


Was slavery banned in northwest territory?

No, slavery was not allowed in the new territory

Was slavery prohibited in the northwest territory by the northwest ordinance?

Slavery is illegal in the modern age in all countries and territories.

What did the northwest ordinance differ from the constitution on the issue of slavery?

The Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in the territory. However the ordinance did allow for indentured servants to be held in the territory. The US Constitution did not prohibit slavery at that time.

A state where slavery was outlawed?

Every state has outlawed slavery, so....

How did the war with Mexico help the seeds of the Civil War to grow?

The Missouri CompromiseAdditional territories gained from the U.S.--Mexican War of 1846--1848 heightened the slavery debate. Abolitionists fought to have slavery declared illegal in those territories, as the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 had done in the territory that became the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Advocates of slavery feared that if the institution were prohibited in any states carved out of the new territories the political power of slaveholding states would be diminished, possibly to the point of slavery being outlawed everywhere within the United States. Pro- and anti-slavery groups rushed to populate the new territories.

Slavery allowed in the northwest territory?

Slavery was prohibited in the Northwest Territory through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which established the territory's government and set criteria for admitting new states. This was a significant step towards prohibiting the expansion of slavery into new territories in the United States.

What old law outlawed slavery in Wisconsin and Illinois?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 banned slavery in the Northwest Territory, which included the future states of Wisconsin and Illinois. Additionally, the Illinois Constitution of 1818 and the Wisconsin Constitution of 1848 both explicitly prohibited slavery in those states.