

Best Answer


  • rural urban
  • less tourism more tourism
  • more rainfall less rainfall
  • dirty water clean water
  • unreliable farming reliable farming
  • bad roads good roads
  • few teachers lots of teachers
  • high infant mortality lower infant mortality
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Q: Why north and south Sudan split?
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What African country has split into two countries?

Sudan split into two countries in 2011 - Sudan and South Sudan. This separation was a result of a referendum held in South Sudan, leading to its independence from Sudan.

What African country has had its name changed recently?

As of 9 June 2011 the Republic of Sudan has split into two independent countries.The Republic of Sudan to the north and South Sudanto the south

What country is directly north of Sudan?

If it is south Sudan then north Sudan but if it is north Sudan, It is Eygpt.

What is the government in Sudan?

Federal presidential democraticrepublic - PresidentOmar al-Bashir(NCP) - Vice PresidentSalva Kiir Mayardit (SPLM) - Vice PresidentAli Osman Taha (NCP)

Is Africa made up of 54 countries?

Pre 2011, Sudan was considered one state with a single government based in Northern Sudan. In 2011, the country was split into North and South Sudan, with 2 independent governments respectively, much like North and South Korea, and thus, South Sudan officially became the 54th African state.

What is the capital of south Sudan(north)?

South Sudan is bordered by Sudan to the north. Khartoum is the capital and largest city of Sudan. Juba is the capital and largest city of the Republic of South Sudan. South Sudan is the world's newest country. South Sudan declared independence from Sudan on July 9, 2011.

What is the country southwest of north Sudan?

south sudan

Is Sudan north south or on the equator?

Sudan is north of the Equator; but very close to it.The Equator passes through Uganda which is just south of Sudan.

Is Sudan larger than Ethiopia?


Is the Red Sea north or south of Sudan?

In the northern of Sudan.

What country is directly north of Yemen?

If it is south Sudan then north Sudan but if it is north Sudan, It is Eygpt.

Do north Sudan and south Sudan have the same flags?

no they don't have the same