Their own country, based on the narrow flood plains of their riversystem, surrounded by desert, was short on timber of their own.
Egypt ran along the river valleys which where the fertile, watered land was used for food crops, so there was no significant tree growth available. So they imported timber from the forests in Syria-Palestine.
shipped cedar logs
Round logs, spherical boulders, and so forth.
The Phoenicians
Ancient Egyptians moved stuff by logging logs tied them with reeds and then pushed out into the nile and then floated down the river!
Ancient Egyptians moved stuff by logging logs tied them with reeds and then pushed out into the nile and then floated down the river!
Their own country, based on the narrow flood plains of their riversystem, surrounded by desert, was short on timber of their own.
Personally I think it's a fact.Does that help?
Yes it is. They also used water to make it roll easier.
There are many places one might advertise logs for sale. In addition to the local newspaper classifieds section, one might also advertise on Craigslist.