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Because it is the religion closest to Jesus' teachings and religion taken most literal to The Bible.


Catholic AnswerRoman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the Catholic Church. Rome was the capital of the ancient Western World, after God established the Church in Jerusalem on St. Peter, as His first Vicar; St. Peter and St. Paul, the great apostle to the Gentiles went to Rome and established the Church there. It was from Rome, then, that the faith spread throughout the world. The Church did not write the Bible until the second generation, and it was not put together as the New Testament until the fifth century. The Church is NOT founded on the Bible, the Bible is written, approved, and promulgated by the Church. Answer

Catholicism; in this day and age. Most of Italy is Christian.

The main religions in Italy are Catholic 85%, and Muslim, Jews, and protestants make up the rest.

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Italy is predominantly Catholic because Italy is host to the home of Catholicism - Rome. The reasons for Rome dominating Catholicism stretch back to the foundations of Christianity.

During the early days of Christianity, the dominant old-world power was the Roman Empire, which had its own religion derived from Greek mythology. This changed in 313AD, when Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which legalised Christianity. Constantine ordered the construction of the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome.

The Roman Empire remained the dominant force in Europe for some centuries, and used its power to spread Christianity - now its chosen religion of the empire - with its base in Rome, of course.

In the 16th century, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the protestant reformation of Martin Luther spread Protestantism to much of Western Europe and King Henry VIII founded the Church of England, declaring it separate from the Church of Rome, and thereby triggering the English Reformation.

Some countries remained loyal to Rome, however, with Italy understandably being among them.

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