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Because in Mexico it is stressed on a man to pick his wife properly, and at the same time it is stressed on a woman to marry for love not money. Think about it...

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Q: Why is the divorce rate lower in Mexico than in the us?
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Atheists have a lower divorce rate than theists. Atheists are less likely to divorce.

What is the divorce rate in Alabama?

As of 2021, the divorce rate in Alabama is around 3.7 per 1,000 people. This rate is slightly lower than the national average.

Does Italy have a lower divorce rate than the US?

Yes, Italy has one of the lowest in the world, and the US is the highest.

Is Mexico's death rate higher than US?

Mexico has a lower overall death rate than the US. Mexico's death rate is 4.9 persons per 1,000 while the US rate is 8.39 persons per 1,000. Keeping in mind that life expectancy is a better measure of the conditions of life than is the death rate. The death rate can be deceptive because it is influenced by the age structure of the population. Since Mexico has a much younger population than the US its rate would be much lower for the same life expectancy. In fact the US (about 78) has a higher life expectancy than Mexico (about 76).

What is the divorce rate for gay and lesbian couples?

Because gays and lesbians have had to fight for their right to marry, the divorce rate is significantly lower than that of straight marriages. However, relationships are relationships and unfortunately sometimes they end.

What is the divorce rate among Jews?

The divorce rate among Jews varies by region and religious affiliation, but it is generally lower than the national average in many countries. Factors like cultural norms, values, and community support can influence divorce rates within the Jewish population.

What is the divorce rate for same-sex marriages?

The divorce rate for same-sex marriages is generally lower than that of opposite-sex marriages. Research suggests that factors such as societal acceptance, legal barriers, and relationship dynamics contribute to this difference. However, divorce rates can vary depending on factors such as location, age, and length of marriage.

What is the divorce rate for doctors?

The divorce rate for doctors is estimated to be around 24%, which is slightly lower than the overall divorce rate in the United States. Factors such as long working hours, high stress levels, and work-life balance challenges may contribute to divorce among doctors.

What is the divorce rate in Greece?

The divorce rate in Greece is 24% and it has more than doubled since the early 90's.

Do Mexicans get divorced?

At least when compared against other countries, no. Mexico's divorce rate is around 15%. For comparison purposes, the United States has a rate of 53%, the United Kingdom 47%, and France of 55%

How many same-sex couples stay together?

This is a figure that cannot be calculated, but experts say that the divorce rate for same-sex married couples is lower than that for heterosexual married couples.

Where in New Mexico are lowest cost of living rates?

Las Cruces is the city in New Mexico that has the lowest cost of living rate. It has an overall index of 92, which places it much lower than most of the United States.