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It originates from an Old High German word (originating from the region of Saxony) that means approximately, "of the people." Interestingly, the names that other countries call Germany are based on the two major tribes who called this area of Central Europe home in ancient times, namely, the Alemmanen and the Germanen. More countries call the country a derivative of these names than anything similar to "Deutchland."

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14y ago

The name Germany come from the group of tribes that settled in Northern Europe who were collectively known ethically as Germanic due to customs and language. Germans, by the way, refer to their country as "Deutschland".

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14y ago

Deutsch in the Germanic language is derived from the term for people or tribe. So Deutschland originally meant in German, "land of our people" or "land of our tribe".

Germany comes from Germani in Latin. It is probably derived from the Celtic word for "neighbor". This is the term the Romans called their neighbors to the North who spoke the Germanic language.

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