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A desert is defined as a region that receives less than 10 inches (250 mm) of precipitation on average per year. Antarctica meets that criteria.

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9y ago

The average humidity on the continent -- as large as USA and Mexico combined, is about five percent, which makes it a desert.

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Q: Why is the continent of Antarctica consider a desert?
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Which continent has the worlds largest desert?

The largest desert in the world is the Antarctic Desert on the continent of Antarctica.

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The continent of Antarctica is the largest desert in the world.

What is the largest desert in the world and in what country is it?

The largest desert is the Antarctic Desert. It is located on the continent of Antarctica.The largest desert is the Antarctic Desert. It is located on the continent of Antarctica.

Where is the desert in Antarctica?

Nearly the entire continent of Antarctica is desert.

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Most of the continent of Antarctica is desert.

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There are no countries on the Antarctic continent. It is governed by the Antarctic Treaty.

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Nearly the entire continent of Antarctica is a desert.

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Thwe largest desert in the world is Antarctica located on the continent of Antarctica.

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The Antarctic Desert covers nearly the entire continent of Antarctica.The continent of Antarctica is all considered a desert, with the limited exception of the Antarctic Peninsula.

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The largest and coldest desert in the world is the continent of Antarctica.

Is the Antarctica a desert in Africa?

No. Antarctica is a desert in the Southern Hemisphere that is also a continent.

Is it true that there is no desert in Antarctica?

False! Nearly the entire continent of Antarctica is desert.