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It was taken up by the Greeks and Latins, and through them to us today, giving us an effective communication and recording system.

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Q: Why is th alphabet a major contribution to the civilization?
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How many letters are there in th alphabet?


What is the Runic TH character?

The Runic TH character is a symbol in the runic alphabet used in Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet. It represents the "th" sound, similar to how "th" is pronounced in English words like "the" or "thing." The Runic TH character is often depicted as a combination of the runes for "T" and "H."

Omega is the th letter of the greek alphabet?

The 24th and last one.

What language does the English alphabet com from?

The Latin Alphabet (somewhat erroneously called the Roman Alphabet).

What is eighth letter of greek alphabet?

Θ, θ [theta, pronounced as "th" in "think"]

What is th modern name of the capital of the Aztec civilization?

Distrito Federal

Who destroyed th Aztec civilization?

Hernan Cortez and the Spanish conquistadors.

How do you write Oh My God in greek using English alphabet?

TheE moo TH is pronounced like the TH in the word "thought" or "think" not like "then" or "this" theE moo

Why were Phoenician color dye and alphabet important?

The dyes were prized trade goods. Th alphabet enabled them to communicate between cities, ships and trading stations in a pre-electronic era.

What is letter that cannot be found in alphabet?

Riddle Answers:The letter you send to a friend.The letter 'c' is not in 'the alphabet,' nor are most of the other letters of the alphabet!Alphabet History Answer:There are many letters that were used in the past but which are no longer in the standard English alphabet.e.g.The letter thorn, or þorn (Þ, þ), an Anglo-Saxon letter. It has the unvoiced 'th' sound, i.e. as the th in 'Thursday'.The letter eth (Ð, ð; also spelled edh or eð) is another old letter, Old English, in fact. It also has a 'th' sound, but is voiced, i.e. as the th in 'the'.For references, see 'Related links' below.

Native American that invented the alphabet?

of corse they didnt invent tha alfabit wut kinda question is th@!

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