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the greater the proportion of sensible heat transfer , the greater the density differential between the stack air and the ambient air , and thus the greater the air flow for given stack height.

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Q: Why is natural draft cooling tower preferred in areas of high relative humidity?
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How do the relative humidity measurements for inside and outside compare?

The relative humidity measurements inside a building may vary based on factors like ventilation, heating, and activities that generate moisture. Outdoor relative humidity is influenced by weather conditions and can fluctuate throughout the day. Indoor relative humidity is typically controlled to maintain comfort and prevent issues like mold growth, whereas outdoor relative humidity is subject to natural variations.

Can relative humidity be zero?

No, relative humidity cannot be zero as it represents the amount of water vapor present in the air relative to the maximum amount it could hold at a given temperature. If the relative humidity were zero, it would mean that the air is completely dry and unable to hold any moisture, which is not possible in natural atmospheric conditions.

Why evaporation of sweat slows down when the relative humidity is high?

Sweating, by itself, does nothing to cool the body, unless the water is removed by evaporation -- and high relative humidity retards evaporation. This explains why it feels so much hotter in high humidity. When relative humidity reaches a high enough level, the body's natural cooling system simply can't work. Sweat evaporates very slowly, if at all, and the body heats up. In extreme cases, people begin to suffer from heat cramps or heat stroke, which is basically organ failure as the body begins to cook itself.

What is ONAN cooling?

onan means oil natural air natural which means the oil is natural possible thin vegi oil and the cooling is done by natural air passing

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Natural. Some makeup can still look natural

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How is liquefied natural gas produced?

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is produced by cooling natural gas to extremely low temperatures, around -260°F, which transforms it into a liquid form. This process, known as liquefaction, reduces the volume of the gas for easier transportation and storage, making LNG a preferred method for shipping natural gas over long distances.

What is gluteal cleft sweat called?

The sweat produced in the gluteal cleft is called intergluteal sweat. It is a result of the body's natural cooling mechanism to regulate temperature. Sweating in this area can be influenced by factors like physical activity, heat, and humidity.

What natural resources did the people in India and china depend on?

Heat and humidity

Why is it difficult to cool down in a rain forest?

It's difficult to cool down in a rainforest because of the high humidity levels. The moisture in the air makes it harder for sweat to evaporate, which is our body's natural way of cooling down. Additionally, the dense vegetation in rainforests can block airflow and trap heat, making it feel hotter.

What is wet cooling?

The only thing that I've heard of with "wet cooling" in, is a wet cooling tower. A Wet Cooling tower for the closed-circuit cooling of water where the water to be cooled comes into direct contact with the cooling air dissipating heat by evaporation and air heating. The air draught required for cooling can be induced by fans or by the natural effect of the stack of the cooling tower building (natural draught cooling tower).So I don't know if that answers your question or not, but i hope it helps...