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I'm assuming you mean that there used to be stripes and now the stripes are receding and it is just yellow on top of his head. This happens because your bird is getting older. This is normal so there is no problem. If this is not what you were asking about, then I need more information. :)

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13y ago
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10y ago

Where does it turn red? If it is the cere (nose) then this means the bird is not in a breeding mood (both genders). my budgie was doing this when he was a few months old. if the face is turning red where the feathers are maybe he has a skin condition and you may need to take him to an avian vet

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13y ago

mabey there sick or mabey they have a swolen head.

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Q: Why is my parakeet's face turning red?
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Female Parakeet not a baby Face is turning pink Is this a problem?

If by face, you mean the cere (area above the beak, surrounding the nostrils), then no it just means that your female is not in breeding condition. I think parakeets more naturally breed in the spring, so if you wrote this anytime recently (ie winter), this is normal.

Do pregnant parakeets have a red area above beak?

Parakeets do not become pregnant, they lay eggs. Females have a pink or tan color nostril band.

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you could text, email, message(facebook/msn etc.) him :]

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Yeah, although maybe not in all people. You know your face is turning red when all the blood goes up into your head, you feel a nerve climax in your brain, your nerves are just buzzling. That is true anger...

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When we get embarrassed, our body releases adrenaline which causes the blood vessels in our face to dilate, allowing more blood to flow. This increased blood flow leads to our face turning red in response to the heightened emotion.

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try by not being scared , ask him if he likes you

Why is our Parakeets that turn pink?

I don't completely understand but if you mean the thing above the beak is turning pink it means it's a girl.