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because they might read abolitionist writing and get ideas to revolt.

By: Magde

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Q: Why is it illegal in Virginia for slaves to know how to read?
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Related questions

Is it still illegal to own slaves?

From what I have read on other sights, it seems like it is, but I do not know for sure.

Was it illegal to teach slaves to read and write?


Why was it illegal in Virginia for slaves to know how to read?

Slave owners feared that literacy would lead to rebellion or desire for freedom among slaves. By denying slaves education, it was easier to control and maintain power over them. Illiteracy also perpetuated the idea of slaves as inferior and property, reinforcing the institution of slavery.

Why was it illegal to teach slaves to read?

It would make them misfit for work

Could slaves read and write?

In some civilizations, it was illegal for slaves to be literate, while in others, some slaves were able to learn how to read and write. The ability to read and write among slaves varied widely depending on the time period, location, and individual circumstances.

What was illegal for slaves in the south?

Slaves in the South were not allowed to learn to read or write, gather in groups without supervision, or leave their owner's property without permission. They also were prohibited from owning property, carrying weapons, or testifying in court against a white person.

How did the slaves use the Greek cross?

If you read House of Dies Drear by Virginia Hamilton, it will tell you exactly how slaves used the Greek Cross.

Why did slaves talk the way they did?

because their slave owner did not allow them any education it was illegal for them to even know how to read so i think that would mess up any bodies grammer

Why do slaves not know when they are born exactly?

No records were kept and they couldn't read or write.

Why did slaves not know anything?

Slaves did not know anything, because they didn't get the education to write or read. Thus, making their lives diffucult. Most slaves would probably know how to farm, mine, and build, because they did those things for a living.

Why were freedmen eager to attend the schools created by freedman's Bureau during reconstruction?

It had been illegal for slaves to read and write before emancipation.

Why was it illegal to teach slaves to read and write?

Teaching slaves to read and write was seen as a threat to the system of slavery because it could empower them to communicate, organize, and potentially rebel against their owners. Slave owners feared that education would lead to slaves questioning the institution of slavery and seeking freedom.