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Technically it isn't free. But because we pay taxes, we get 'free healthcare'.

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Q: Why is healthcare free in the UK?
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Healthcare is free for all UK citizens, regardless of age.

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Non-elective healthcare is almost always free in the UK, even for non citizens.

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A European Health Insurance card will provide residents with healthcare that will cover healthcare at a reduced cost or for free. One can apply for the card online on the UK "NHS" website.

Is healthcare free in Scotland?

Scotland (like the rest of the U K) has a National Health Service which is paid for from the taxation system and is free at the point of use to UK inhabitants.

Who uses the nhs and what is it?

The NHS is the National Health Service, which provides healthcare free at the point of access for all UK residents. The NHS owns hospitals and pays for doctors and nurses.

When did healthcare become free?

In the United States, healthcare is not free. However, in 2012, it became mandatory for all citizens to purchase insurance.

Where is nhs located?

The NHS (National Health Service) is the UK's free medical and healthcare service. There are about 358 NHS hospitals in the UK.

Is health care free in Israel?

Healthcare is not free anywhere. That term generally refers to government provided healthcare which is paid for by tax dollars.

What are the primary employers in Bupa UK?

The only thing that keeps coming up for this question is a healthcare service called "Bupa" which is based out of the UK. With that kind of information, the primary employers in Bupa, UK would be healthcare jobs and medical employment.

What is the 2011 outlook for health jobs in the UK?

"Healthcare jobs are one of the only industries that is actually growing. As the population ages, these workers will be in high demand. Due to the healthcare system in the UK more people utilize healthcare workers. A good career choice."

How many countries have free healthcare?

Free healthcare is obtainable in the UK for most illnesses and operations, although not for routine optical or dental care. France and Canada also offer a similar system, though all three countries have high taxes to pay for these services.CommentThe proportion of personal taxes spent on health care in these countries is significantly lower than the private health care insurance paid by most Americans.

When did healthcare become free in England?