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Being able to be free to deside your time and place of death.

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Q: Why is euthanasia important?
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Related questions

If euthanasia is legal for animals why are people denyed this option?

The most important reason is fear; fear that euthanasia can so easily be abused.

Is euthanasia legal in Greece?

No, euthanasia is illegal in Greece.

Did legalise the euthanasia Sweden?

Euthanasia is illegal in Sweden.

What is the difference between active euthanasia and non-active euthanasia?

non active euthanasia is the same as assisted suiside :)active euthanasia is just plain old suiside :)

What are the necessary steps to take in the event of an emergency euthanasia for a cat?

In the event of an emergency euthanasia for a cat, the necessary steps to take include contacting a veterinarian or animal control for guidance, ensuring the cat is in a comfortable and quiet environment, and following the recommended procedure for humane euthanasia. It is important to handle the situation with care and compassion.

When was Declaration on Euthanasia created?

Declaration on Euthanasia was created in 1980.

What do doctors feel about euthanasia?

Most doctors are against euthanasia.

How do you use euthanasia in a sentence?

Euthanasia is illegal in the United States.

Is euthanasia an injection?

An injection of a sleeping drug can be a form of euthanasia.

Is euthanasia so easy?

euthanasia can be as easy as u think but the problem is that it depends on the person who is being treat in terms of euthanasia'

Who started animal euthanasia and why?

Euthanasia is a Greek word meaning good death (about 400 BC). Euthanasia is intended to prevent suffering.

How do you stop euthanasia?

You cant! euthanasia is a method of assisted suicide that is chosen for terminally ill patients the only way to stop euthanasia is not to do it!!