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because of recreational and residental development. Increase of construction decreases their habitat greatly

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Q: Why is a Michigan monkey flower endangered?
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Is the Michigan monkey flower still endangered?

yes i just did a report on it

Is the Michigan monkey flower extinct?


What is the Michigan monkey flowers preditors?

The Michigan monkey flower is the only plant entirely endemic to Michigan, this monkey-flower is found in cold calcareous springs, seeps, and streams through northern white-cedar as well as at the base of bluffs near the Great Lakes shoreline.

What endangered specie has been saved?

Snow lepords, and panthers. A plant in Michigan is raindrellic flower.

Why did they name a flower 'monkey flower'?

They named the monkey flower its name because it really reminds us as a monkey. I mean just look at it! IT SO DOES LOOK LIKE A MONKEY!

Is a woolly monkey endangered or not?

They're critically endangered.

What are the monkey laws in Michigan?

Monkey laws in Michigan are null.

What is the most endangered monkey on earth?

The most endangered monkey on earth is the baby Kipunji monkey. They live in a protected forest on Mount Rungwe in Tanzania.

What do you get when cross a monkey with a flower?

you get a monkey worth nurtureing

Why is hibiscus flower an endangered plant?

Hibiscus flowers are not considered endangered plants, as they are grown in many regions around the world. However, certain species of hibiscus may be threatened in their natural habitats due to habitat loss, climate change, or overexploitation. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these species and ensure their survival.

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