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Switzerland was created as union of states, rather like the U.S. Until about 1847 there was no permanent central government. (From time to time one was set up to deal with specific tasks, after which it was dissolved).

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Q: Why is Switzerland a confederation?
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Austria and Switzerland are both federal republics, but only Switzerland calls itself a confederation (Confoederatio Helvetica in Latin).

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The confederation government of Switzerland creates new jobs because of their 26 canton division.

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Were there any nicknames for Switzerland in the past?

The Swiss Confederation.

What countries have an confederation?

No country is a confederation today. Switzerland is a confederation only by name, but truly is federal republic with a directional system and direct democracy.

What does ch on a plat mean?

Confederation Helvetic - It means Switzerland.

What is a confederation coin?

If the coin says Confederatio Helvetica, it is from Switzerland.

Is Switzerland's government a federal system?

Switzerland is a confederation of 26 semi-independent cantons. A canton is equivalent to what is called a state in English-speaking federal countries.