The Feast of Saint Mark falls on April 25th in Italy. Saint Mark was one of the 12 disciples, and there is a belief that his relics were archived in Venice, Italy. This spiritual connection made him the patron Saint of Italy.
Saint Mark is one of the patron saints of Venice.
The patron saints of Venice, Italy, are St. George and St. Mark the Evangelist.
St. Mark the Evangelist is the patron saint of Egypt.
There is no patron saint of tigers. However, St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals and Saint Mark the Evangelist is the patron saint of lions. Information from the Patron Saint Index.
Saint Ivo of Kermartin is the patron saint of lawyers and Saint Dismas is the patron saint of prisoners.
The patron saint of notaries is Saint Luke the Evangelist. He is also the patron saint of artists, physicians, and surgeons.
His relics are in the Basilica of Saint Mark in Venice, Italy.
St Mark
Saint Mark's grave is located in the Basilica of Saint Mark in Venice, Italy. It is believed that his remains were brought to Venice from Alexandria in the 9th century.
Saint Mark the Evangelist is the patron saint of:against impenitenceagainst insect bitesagainst scrofulous diseasesagainst strumastruma patientsattorneysbarristerscaptivesimprisoned peopleglazierslawyerslionsnotariesprisonersstained glass workersEgyptArezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, Italy, diocese ofArica, Chile, diocese ofCortona, Italy, diocese ofInfanta, Philippines, prelature ofVenice, Florida, diocese ofIonian IslandsBoretto, ItalyButtigliera Alta, ItalyCaerano di San Marco, ItalyCampochiaro, ItalyCamporotondo di Fiastrone, ItalyCasirate d'Adda, ItalyCassola, ItalyCastelbellino, ItalyCavernago, ItalyCellino San Marco, ItalyCiserano, ItalyCivezza, ItalyConco, ItalyCreazzo, ItalyCrespano del Grappa, ItalyFagare della Battaglia, ItalyForesto Sparso, ItalyFutani, ItalyGambellara, ItalyGardone Val Trompia, ItalyLatina, ItalyLicusati, ItalyManocalzati, ItalyMantello, ItalyPallare, ItalyPetriolo, ItalyPieve a Nievole, ItalyPonzano di Fermo, ItalyPordenone, ItalyPortobuffoe, ItalyPramaggiore, ItalyRionero in Vulture, ItalyRovereto, ItalySan Marco dei Cavoti, ItalySan Marco Argentano, ItalySan Marco d'Alunzio, ItalySan Marco Evangelista, ItalySan Marco in Lamis, ItalyServigliano, ItalySonnino, ItalyTaleggio, ItalyTransacqua, ItalyValsecca, ItalyVenice, ItalyVertova, Italy
If you are referring to Cleopatra of Mark Anthony and Julius Caesar fame, she was never a Christian. However, there was a Saint Cleopatra who was a 4th century martyr. She is not a patron saint.
Saint Jerome is considered the patron saint of lions because of a story in which he removed a thorn from a lion's paw. This act of compassion led the lion to become his loyal companion and protector.