Saint Augustine.
Saint Augustine.
Saint Augustine.
St. Augustine became a saint due to his significant contributions to Christian theology and philosophy, particularly his writings on sin, grace, and the nature of God. He also lived a life of personal reformation, moving from a self-indulgent lifestyle to become a devoted follower of Christ. His teachings and influence on the Church earned him recognition as a saint.
Before he converted back to Catholcism, Augustine led a very wild and sinful life. He lived with a woman for 15 years but never married. During those years he fathered a son whom he named Adeotadus.
I would hope that you do not imitate the first 30-32 years of his life, before he converted. During those years he was not a very good role model.
Saint Augustine grass and Bermuda grass can coexist but there will be issues. Saint Augustine grass needs less fertilizer and usually grows faster. So it could make mowing the grass a frequent chore.
Saint Augustine is often credited with saying "He who sings prays twice," emphasizing the spiritual benefit of singing in praise and worship. This quote can be found in his writings in the form of "Qui cantat, bis orat" in Latin.
History is important because we get to learn from others' mistakes. The old saying is: "those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them."
you fight for what you believe in........ and those you love
Ignatius is important to the entire Church but especially to the Jesuit Order, which he founded. He is also important to the Church in the orient as he was a missionary to several of those countries.
The first and most important ethics a child can learn in regards to obedience is kindness. A child will react better to discipline when kindness is shown and will learn to respect those who are kind.