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Although North and South Koreans share culture, history and traditions - they do not share political and economic ideologies. North Koreans structure and organize their country and government based on communist, and socialist ideologies; where as the South Koreans based their organization of government and country in a freemarket libertarian ideology. South Korean societies and governing are more organic in organizational structures and in economics, encouraging the independance of the individuals and supporting the accord of private agendas; where as the North Koreans are non organic, eliminating the independance of individual direction and incentives.

As well the difference which divides South and North Koreans apart from political and economic ideologies is that South Koreans believe and maintain a focus in the historical linage of the Chosan Dynasty as their orgins of culture; mean while, the North Koreans maintain their focus in the Coreyo kingdom as their origin of culture.

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Q: Why is North and South Korea divided even though they share cultural history and traditions?
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