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Geographically Mexico is on the North American subcontinent (not to be confused with the United States, as it is usually known). Culturally speaking, Mexico is part of Latin America, as it shares many common traits such as language, religion an general traditions to other countries in Latin America, such as Cuba, Peru or Argentina.

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14y ago
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13y ago

North America is a continent that spans Canada, the United States and Mexico, as well as Greenland and other islands such as the Virgin Islands. America is just the common name given to the United States of America.

Therefore Mexico (as well as the United States, Canada, Greenland and others) are in the North American continent.

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14y ago

Yes it is. Latin America is defined linguistically, by the languages Spanish and Portuguese (which are both related to Latin) and the language of Mexico is Spanish.

To a lesser extent, the states of southwest United States can be considered part of Latin America due to its rich Hispanic history, Spanish speaking population and Spanish named states, counties, and cities (i.e. Arizona, Los Angeles, Costa Mesa). In much the same way, Hawaii can be considered culturally part of Polynesia.

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11y ago

Latin America is a cultural region that includes all languages derived from ancient Latin, including Spanish, Portuguese and French. Hence, Mexico belongs to Latin America as per cultural reasons.

North America is a geographical region that includes Canada, the United States (commonly misnamed as "North America" or "America"), Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Hence, Mexico belongs to North America for geographic reasons.

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13y ago

Culturally, it is part of Latin America. Geographically, it is on the southern tip of North America.

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Because it is located on the tectonic plate known as the North American Plate

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12y ago

because south of mexico is the south and it is hot but not the north

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Q: Why is Mexico part of both North America and latin America?
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Why is Mexico part of both America and latin America?

Geographically Mexico is on the North American subcontinent (not to be confused with the United States, as it is usually known). Culturally speaking, Mexico is part of Latin America, as it shares many common traits such as language, religion an general traditions to other countries in Latin America, such as Cuba, Peru or Argentina.

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Only Mexico qualifies as being part of both Latin America and North America. However, the countries located in Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua) would also qualify as such, considering Central America is a region, not a continent.

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Both are located on North America. Canada and Mexico are both north and south of the United States, respectively.

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