Very low unemployment rate.
Very small population.
Strong financial sector which acts as a tax haven for countries in close proximity - it has more registered companies than citizens.
Personal andcompany taxes are verylow.
Liechtenstein is a very wealthy country and its citizens enjoy one of the largest incomes in the world. Liechtenstein is a very small country, however, and is surrounded by the European Alps. Temperatures are usually cold. However, the overall standard of living in Liechtenstein is very high.
Liechtenstein is the smallest German-speaking country in the world. So there must be more than 90% which speak German. Read here:
Because it's so small and unnoticable...
Liechtenstein is considered one of the richest countries in the world due to its strong financial sector, low tax rates, political stability, and a high standard of living. The country's economy is highly diversified, with a focus on industries such as financial services, manufacturing, and tourism. Additionally, Liechtenstein has a strong tradition of banking secrecy which has attracted wealthy individuals and companies to invest in the country.
Switzerland is west of Liechtenstein. Austria is east of Liechtenstein.
They were so wealthy because of their trading routes
The capital city of Liechtenstein is VaduzIts largest city is Schaan.The capital city of Liechtenstein is Vaduz
In order to get a Liechtenstein passport, or that of any other country, you need to be a citizen of that country. If you are not a Liechtenstein citizen you can't get a Liechtenstein passport.
Principality of Liechtenstein - 61.96 square miles.
No, Liechtenstein is its own independent nation.
Liechtenstein has no military.