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Although Florida has a very high concentration of tornadoes, they generally are not as strong or as destructive as the ones that occur in Tornado Alley. For example, since official records began in 1950 Florida has had 2 F4 tornadoes and no F5 tornadoes. By comparison Oklahoma has had 57 F4 tornadoes and 6 F5 tornadoes.

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Q: Why is Florida not considered the tornado capital?
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Why isn't Florida part of tornado alley?

Although Florida has a high frequency of tornadoes, it is not considered part of Tornado Alley because it is very far from it and would best be considered as part of a different tornado-forming region.

Is Miami a capital city?

Miami is not the capital city but it is the most populous city. The capital of Florida is Tallahassee.

When is a tornado considered a tornado?

A tornado is considered a tornado when a rotating column of air descending from a thunderstorm cloud reaches the ground, causing damage and visible debris swirling in a vortex. The National Weather Service confirms tornadoes based on eyewitness reports, damage assessment, and radar data.

Was Florida ever a tornado ally?

Florida is not in tornado Alley, but it does get a lot of tornadoes, but they are generally not as strong as the ones in Tornado Alley.

How many people died in Florida's tornado 2010?

There were no tornado fatalities in Florida in 2010.

Has Florida ever had an F5 or EF5 tornado?

No. Florida has never recorded an F5 or EF5 tornado.

The first tornado recorded in history in Florida?

The earliest record of a tornado in Florida I have is from April of 1877.

What is the deadliest tornado that hit Florida in the past 10 years?

The deadliest tornado to hit Florida in the past 10 years occurred on February 2, 2007, in Lady Lake. This EF3 tornado caused 21 fatalities and over 250 injuries.

Is Tallahassee the largest capital of Florida?

Tallahassee is the capital of the state of florida.

What state is known as the lightning capital of the US?

Florida is known as the lightning capital of the US, with more lightning strikes per year than any other state. This is due to its geographical location, warm temperatures, and frequent thunderstorms.

Was there a tornado in Florida?

Yes, tornadoes can and do occur in Florida. Florida experiences a high frequency of tornadoes, especially during the spring and summer months when thunderstorms are common. tornadoes are most common in Central Florida and can cause significant damage.

What is Florida's capital city name?

Tallahassee is the capital city in Florida.