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Simply because it is the British Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is the remains of the old British Empire which used to also include U.S.A. latger part of Africa than now, most of the sub continent. About i/3 of the world was once coloured pink on any atlas to show that it was British. Of course the officia; lamguage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth of of Nations (long title for the Queen to carry around) is.....ait for it...wait for it.....terah terah (fanfare) ...English.

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Q: Why is English the most common language spoken in the commomwealth?
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English became the common language spoken by common people in England due to historical events such as the Norman Conquest in 1066 and the decline of Latin as a spoken language. The emergence of English as a widely spoken language also coincided with the spread of printing press and literature in English in the late Middle Ages.

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Please the official language is the Czech language, but in shops, hotels etc. English language is common.

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Irish Sign Language is the second most common non-English language in Ireland.