It would be 11:21 AM in Caracas, Venezuela, as Caracas is two hours ahead of the Central Time Zone where Hereford, Texas is located.
Caracas is on Venezuelan Standard time, which is UTC/GMT - 4:30 hours Trinidad and Tobago is on Atlantic Standard Time, which is UTC/GMT - 4:00 hours. So they are not in the same time zone. Their standard times differ by 30 minutes.
December-April, when the weather is at its driest and average temperatures range from daytime highs of 75-81.
Venezuela has one time zone, Venezuela Time (VET), which is 4½ hrs. behind UTC.
I want to know if we have a different hour, if it is 9 o'clock in Toronto what time it is in Margarita Island Venezuela
From the 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of November, Venezuela is 2.5 hours ahead of California.5 AM PDT = 7:30 AM VETFrom the 1st Sunday of November to the 2nd Sunday of March, Venezuela is 3.5 hours ahead of California.4 AM PST = 7:30 AM VET
The average flight time is 16 hours, 26 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The flight time from Toronto in Canada to Venezuela is approximately 5 hours and 32 minutes. The total distance is approximately 4321.55 km or 2685 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
Chino y Nacho are a Venezuelan musical duo. They both reside in Venezuela and spend a significant amount of time traveling for their music career, performing in various countries around the world.
Venezuela Time (VET) is UTC - 4.5 hours.
Venezuela Time (VET) is UTC - 4.5 hours.
Venezuela Time (VET) is UTC - 4.5 hours.