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Q: Why is Botswana so peaceful and quite?
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Is there a peaceful way to change government in botswana?

Yes, there is a peaceful way to change government,but like in america people in china get mad if they do not get what they voted for.

Is Zimbabwes military stronger than Botswana?

As of right now, i doubt it. Botswana has a better economy and although is more peaceful and growing, still spends a good amount of money on their military. Whereas Zimbabwe is having major economic problems like hyper inflation so and political unrest, so their military isn't as good as BOtswana's as of right now.

Where could one arrange for safaris in Botswana?

There are quite a few places where one could arrange for a safari located in Botswana. One place that one could do so is by visiting the website SunSafaris.

What was the peace at home like for Queen Elizabeth?

It was quite peaceful. Some mishaps here and there but overall yea, quite peaceful.

Where is a peaceful place to camp in Northern England and Yorkshire?

I recommend some where in Scarborough as I have been many times and I am quite satisfied with the result. Boroughbridge is quite a peaceful place too.

Who is the queen and king of botswana?

Botswana does not have a king or queen. It is a republic, so it has a president.

Gaborne is to botswana as what is to Kenya?

Nairobi. Gaborone is the capital of Botswana - so Nairobi is the capital of Kenya.

Which two colonies had peaceful relations with Native Americans an paid them for their lands?

It depends. Many colonies were peaceful while others were quite hostile.

The most peaceful country in Africa?

Ghana leads Africa's peace ranking, though it is placed 40th position on the ladder. Madagascar and Botswana followed the West African country.

Why in botswana did they name the curreny Pula?

Pula means rain.there is little rain in Botswana and people in Botswana value it so much that they decided to have their currency named Pula to show it's importance

Are lava lamps as peaceful as I hear them to be?

Lava Lamps are quite peaceful. The lamp is basically made for vision entertainment. There is no noise. The lamps are groovy and feels like meditation.

Is the president of botswana paying tax or not?

Dont think so