Ariadne was important because she first helped Theseus by giving him a ball of string for the labyrinth, then, she was the lover of the god Dionysus.
Ariadne ariadne was created in 1763.
Ariadne Shaffer's birth name is Ariadne Bea Skei Shaffer.
he has ariadne, as in ariadne's string
king minos was Ariadne's dad
Marko Palamas and Ariadne Langos
Ariadne's husband was the god of wine, Dionysus.
Ariadne of Phrygia died in 130.
Perseus in Greek myth did not kill Ariadne.
The duration of Ariadne no Dangan is 3240.0 seconds.
Her name was Ariadne. Ariadne the child of minos who was immortal
The Greek word for Ariadne's thread is clew.