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Because of harsh weather.

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harsh weather.

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Q: Why have mineral deposits and oil reserves in the Yukon and other Northwest Territories have not been developed?
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Why did the us want the northwest territories?

for "scientific reasearch". more for the large reserves, and i mean VERY large reserves of natural gas, oil, and gas

What is the difference between oil reserves and oil deposits?

Oil Reserves are big and oil deposits are small.

Which region is the smallest and is a source of coal deposits in Georgia?

The region that is the smallest and is a source of coal deposits in Georgia is the Appalachian Plateau region in the northwest part of the state. It is known for its coal mining history and has significant coal reserves.

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The largest magnesium deposits in the world are found in China, Russia, and North Korea. These countries account for the majority of global magnesium production due to the rich reserves of magnesium ore in their territories.

What country on the southwest Arabian Peninsula has no oil deposits?

Yemen has no significant oil reserves: what they do have may be exhausted within a few years. It has considerably more natural gas, and that is being developed.

What is reserve deposit ratio?

The amount of reserves a bank has in comparison to deposits. For example, if a bank has 1 million in deposits and a reserve ratio of 20% than the bank has 200,000 in reserves. This is the money they have on hand for spontaneous withdrawls

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Reserves of silver worldwide in demonstrated resources from producing and nonproducing deposits stood at 280,000 metric tons in 2002.

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Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, with significant deposits located in the Orinoco Belt.

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Why did the US want the territories?

for "scientific reasearch". more for the large reserves, and i mean VERY large reserves of natural gas, oil, and gas

How many tons are estimated to be in saskatchewans potash deposits?

Saskatchewan's potash deposits are estimated to contain around 6 billion tons of potash reserves.